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What is 0dte options?

0DTE refers to Zero Days to Expiration: the last day of expiration of an options contract. Selling and buying options at zero days to expiration offers uniquely attractive trading opportunities. Most Stocks, ETFs, indexes, and futures contracts are optionable (have options), and all options contracts have an expiration.

What is a 0dte strategy?

Depending on the underlying asset, these expirations may be quarterly, monthly, weekly, or even multiple times per week. A 0DTE strategy opens and closes a position on the contract's expiration day. Typically, traders sell to open contract (s) in the morning and hope to repurchase them for a lower price before the close.

What is a 0dte trade?

0DTE trades are popular among option writers. The play is to offload on the last day that the option is valid and collect the rapidly decaying premium. When purchasing an option, you pay the person selling it (the other party in the trade) for the privilege of giving you the right to buy the underlying asset at the specified strike price.

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